The Council’s Premises Accreditation Scheme (PAS) Standards set out the requirements to be met by veterinary premises in order to be eligible for registration and to receive a Certificate of Suitability. The PAS Standards have been developed in accordance with the Veterinary Practice Act 2005, as amended. 

The PAS Standards set out the requirements in relation to the physical bricks and mortar of a premises, the information to be available and displayed at the premises, the facilities and equipment to be available, the services to be provided, and the various regulations to be adhered to.

Registrants who apply to the Council for a Certificate of Suitability in respect of a veterinary premises must ensure that the premises adheres to the minimum PAS Standards applicable. The Council, in carrying out the physical inspection of a veterinary premises, verifies its eligibility for registration by assessing its compliance with the PAS Standards.
